Title: Dijital İçin Hangi Özne? (Nöro)Psikolojileştirmedeki Dijitalleşmenin Kökenlerinin Bir Eleştirisi

Journal Name : Etkileşim

Issue : 2

Year : 2018

DOI : 10.32739/etkilesim.2018.2.26

The Value of Photography as a Methodology within the Social Sciences

The Value of Photography as a Methodology within the Social Sciences

Photography is becoming an increasingly valuable tool for researchers who wish to explore social issues. It can provide valuable data for a researcher and insights that are not possible through more traditional qualitative research methodologies. The development of ‘visual sociology’ as a recognised branch of sociological research shows that photography is becoming an increasingly important methodological tool within the social sciences. This study sets out the main theoretical developments, including around the role of the researcher within the research process, that have allowed photography to become such a valuable aspect of social science research. It explores also the different methodologies that can be adopted by photographers within a social science research project. By providing examples of research conducted by the author around migration and gentrification, this study aims to demonstrate the value of photography within a research context. It discusses the main issues that arise when photographers work on social science projects, particularly around authenticity and ethics.

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